"Ich kann niemanden provozieren, dass kann nur jeder für sich selbst tun" Schlingensief
"Alles seit je. Nie was andres. Immer versucht. Immer gescheitert. Einerlei. Wieder versuchen. Wieder scheitern. Besser scheitern" Samuel Beckett
"Ich bin also ein gescheiterter Scheiterer und in dem Moment wo ich nicht scheitern will, bin ich ebenso gescheitert. Scheitern kann man nicht besiegen und deshalb beschreibt dieses scheitern auch eine extreme Lebenslust"

"Wir müssen nicht funktionieren, wir müssen die Fehlerquote erhöhen"

"Art is art, everything else is everything else" Ad Reinhardt
"Quantity over quality" Thomas Hirschhorn
"I copy everything I do" Paul Thek
"Wer den Raum der Kunst benutzen kann, wird so leicht keine Terrorist:in" Joseph Beuys
Ich habe heute den "Parsifal" vollendet und drei Hunden das leben gerettet, möge die Nachwelt entscheiden was wichtiger war" Richard Wagner
"Wenn sie alles unter Kontrolle haben, fahren sie noch nicht genug schnell"

"Wenn man als Künstler*inn genau das falsche tut ist es oft genau richtig"

Tom Peters
"Art is nothing" Mladen Stilinovic
"Der Kunstzug fährt, wir bauen weiter und irgendwann verlasse ich den Zug und er fährt trotzdem weiter" Dieter Roth
" I do my art also with humor, the track can be humorfull, but the ending is always serious, humor is not a joke" Kurt Schwitters
"I work chaotic and neat" Mladen Stilinovic
"Art is what makes life more interesting than art" Robert Filliou
"Whatever you think, think something else. whatever you do, do something else" Robert Filliou
"All art comes from other art" Robert Filliou
" Die 3. Zustände einer Arbeit: well done, badly done, not done, und wieder von vorne" Robert Filliou
"Malen ist die Schöpfungsmacht vollends auskosten" Neo Rauch
"Painting is ridicules" John Hoyland
"Der Kaktus auf meinem Klavier war das tollste in meinem Leben" Adorno
"Malerei tut Not" Jonathan Meese
"Karriere als spiel ist super, Karriere als Ideologie ist scheisse" Jonathan Meese
"Laziness is absence in movement and thought, dumb time - Total amnesia. It is also indifference, staring at nothing, non-activity, impotence. There is no art without laziness" Mladen Stilinovic
"The drawings I am doing disgust me, but looking at this drawings later, they're quite beautiful" Dieter Roth
"Its best to have a hangover or a melancholy depressive state - they’re good for that. Then you can draw mindlessly for hours, for days, without even looking at them". Dieter Roth
"Das Ziel ist ernst, der Weg humorvoll. Oder sarkastisch oder spiel". Kurt Schwitters
"Bilder die deutbar sind, Sinn enthalten, sind schlechte Bilder. Ein Bild stellt sich dar als das unübersichtliche, unlogische, unsinnige. Es demonstriert die Zahllosigkeit der Aspekte und nimmt uns unsere Sicherheit". Cy Twombly
"I work in a impatient way, when I work. I work very fast, but the preparing to work can take any length of time. I sit for 3 hours an then in 15 min I can do a painting, but that’s part of it. You have to get ready and decide to jump and do it! You build up yourself up psychologically" Cy Twombly

"Meine Modelle erkenne ich sogar noch schlechter als andere Leute"

"Ich zeichne das was ich sehe, nicht das was ich weiss"

"Zeichne ich eine Tasse, ist es am ende immer meine Tasse, es ist unmöglich eine Tasse subjektiv abzubilden"

"Es ist als steckt die Wirklichkeit hinter einem Vorhang, den man wegziehen kann und immer ist da noch einer. Einen kurzen Durchbruch, eine kurze Einfachheit, doch der nächste Vorhang ist schon zu sehen"

" denn ich suche nach dem schwierigen, neuen, bleibt es einfach komme ich nicht vorwärts, ich bleibe stehen"

Alberto Giacometti
" Kunst ist immer zum scheitern verurteilt" Alberto Giacometti
"Glückliche Missverständnisse" Rainer Maria Rilke
" In der Kunst geht es nicht ums recht haben, oder im recht sein" Robert Filliou
" I hate everything that is not play" Robert Filliou
"Die Chance gestalterischer Arbeit besteht darin, sich immer wieder neu, beziehungsweise anders zu verhalten, abschied zu nehmen vom gewöhnlichen, gewohnten blick und auf dinge zu achten, die man sonst übersieht." Claudia Niederbeuger
"fragen sie sich in der stillsten stunde der Nacht: "muss ich Künstler:in sein?" Und wenn sie mit einem starken und einfachen "Ich muss" antworten, dann bauen sie ihr leben nach dieser Notwendigkeit auf"

"Ein Kunstwerk ist gut wenn es aus Notwendigkeit entstand. In dieser Art seines Ursprunges liegt sein urteil"

"Vielleicht erweist es sich, dass sie berufen sind Künstler:in zu sein. Dann nehmen sie das los auf sich, und tragen sie es, seine last und seine Grösse, ohne je nach dem lohne zu fragen, der von aussen kommen könnte"

Rainer Maria Rilke
"Kunstwerke sind von einer unendlichen Einsamkeit und mit nichts so wenig erreichbar wie mit Kritik" Rilke
"In der Morgendämmerung lernte ich das Werk kennen; tausend Wege kann es enthalten. aber nur einen Weg gibt es: sein Platz zwischen Vorschrift und Freiheit, seine Spur, die noch gefunden werden muss, sein Grund, Notwendigkeit, sein Ziel, Übereinstimmung. Ich arbeite um zu wissen. ich stelle das wissen über die Kenntnis. ich glaube, ich muss wagen zu tun, was ich nicht weiss, sichtbar zu machen, wo ich nicht stehe, nach Erkenntnis zu streben, wo ich nicht wahrnehmen kann." Eduardo Chillida
"Den trieb etwas schön zu machen und noch schöner, den habe ich auch verlernen müssen. das schmieren und kaputtmachen kommt immer aus einer Situation heraus, wo ich das nicht erreichen kann, was ich möchte. Das Zufällige hat einfach eine Gewalt, nicht? man kommt nicht darunter weg. man kann dem nicht entgehen, es ist nicht etwas, das ich nun wirklich suche, sondern es kommt einfach, es haut einen hin und dann muss man ihm unterlegen sein." Dieter Roth
"Es ist das ungeahnte Abenteuer: ich besteige ein Schiff nach unbekannten ufern, nach nie gesehenen Ländern und begegne unerwarteten Inseln, überraschenden Einwohnwohnern. Sich einlassen und führen lassen, das ist das Abenteurer, das Risiko. Führen lassen von sich, vom inneren, vom Zufall, drang, von Überraschungen. dabei gilt es Wagemut zu erlangen, uneingeschränkten Wagemut in allem. (…)
Ich komme mittels Sprüngen, Brüchen, Retuschen, vorwärts- und Rückschritten, Geistesblitzen und fehlgriffen voran. mein lebhafter schneller Fluss wird unterbrochen von Zweifel, von Skrupel, von Auslassungspunkten, schwebend über dem nichts. (…)
jedes Mal wenn ich an die Arbeit gehe, bin ich ohne das leiseste zögern bereit die Arbeit vom Vortag zu zerstören, weil ich jeden tag den Eindruck habe weiter zu sehen"
Alberto Giacometti
Aus dem nichts alles herausholen was nicht drinnen war, ein wunderbares Glück göttlicher Schöpfungskraft." Emil Nolde
"Das schönste was wir erleben können, ist das geheimnisvolle. Es ist das Grundgefühl, das an der wiege von wahrer Kunst und Wissenschaft ist. Wer es nicht kennt und sich nicht mehr wundern kann, der ist sozusagen Tod und sein Auge erloschen." Albert Einstein
"Wir haben keine Kunst, wir machen alles so gut wir können." Balinesiches Sprichwort
"There is a reason why a painting is called a pain thing" Unkown
" Painting is horrible, because you dont know what you are doing"

"Winning and failing, something in-between, where you are not sure if you are winning or failing"

John Hayland
"I am painting something that no one whants" John Hayland
"I often hear this radio junk, because hearing that it kind of music empties my mind and I can work with less controle" John Hayland
"Ich könnte niemals das tun, was diejenige tun, die eine Kunstschule besucht haben. Ich zweilfle, ob sie tun könne was ich kann. Aber mein Kind kann es." Robert Fillou
"Kunst ist, wenn sie trotzdem ensteht" Robert Rehfeld
"Daher auch meine Vorliebe für Cafes und Kneipen. Wenn irgendwo, dann vermischen sich dort ernst und leichtsinn miteinander!" Robert Calle
Du hast Krankheit verabscheut, aber die deine so diskret, so tief, so vollständig auf dich genommen, dass ich mich frage, ob du sie nicht geliebt hast, weil sie dir erlaubte, über dich selbst hinauszugehen:" Robert Calle
My work touches who it touches and speaks to whoever it speaks to"

"I dont like millieus I prefer extremes"

"I'm not an intelellectual, but I am an visionary"

Vava Dudu
"Other artists give me live and strength in what I do" Imran Perreta
"What helps me a lot, is to look at other artists that I like" John Hayland
" In painting there are always appearing things, but I am not ready to accept them"

"The first thing always looks good and then you start doubting it"

"A Painting doesn’t has to look only good to me, because then I haven’t experienced anything"

"The human race has always looked for freedom and thats why art is so important"

Philippe Guston
"Writing is writing itself" Juliana Huxtable
"Art is about observation" Mark Leckey
"I am an annoying and confusing person in my work"

"One of the primary points witch goes always threw my work is: you can also do this"

Martha Rosler
"Its important to let things self-explanatory" Lynette Yiadom-Blake
"Art is A question" Moon and Joeon
Reworking a artwork, to see how the work, the temperature, the place, that goes along with that person styles" Brian Bellot
"Painting is about filling the caps" Lubaina Himid
"I am interested in thing we dont unsterstand, pleasure, the place of beauty"

"All art is close to shame, shame is relevant structurally for everything that has to do with doing something in the studio and then showing it to others and then this public will judge it, according to certain conventions"

Andrea Büttner
"Kunst ist das was man macht" Dieter Roth
"Jeder Mensch muss sich verschleissen, wenn man noch gut ist, wenn man stirbt ist das Verschwendung, man muss noch lebendig zu Asche verbrennen, nicht erst im Tod"
Joseph Beuys
"Prokastinieren: Künstler:innen verbringen unheimlich viel Zeit damit, dass zu tun was sie nicht sollten und nur in der Kunst darf man das und ich glaube das ist der fruchtbarste Boden für Ideen". Kenneth Goldsmith
"I dint write "rites of spring" it wrote itself threw me"

"Art is the opposite of choas, art is organised choas"

"The comments about style are strange to me as if you had a choice I think what you are doing is to stay alive. What is important that you are in the same state, I still do the same"

"You have to come from somewhere, you don’t come out of sky"

"I am not happy until I have a contest between the subject and the plastic and why I have this contest is because it leads to structures that are surprising"

"What you want is a experience of something you haven’t seen before"
"of not knowing where you are moving because thats full of potententials"

"Problems doesnt have to solved, because nothing is ever solved"

Philip Guston
"I just draw whats around"

"Painting as I would see the object for the first time"

" I feel like a movie director, just adding all togheter, make a play"

"Of course I am the subject"

"Dumb creatures as the world we live in"

"If the artist starts evaluating himself its a enormous block"

Philip Guston
"In my experience some of wisest people laughed a lot and made fun of everything"

"A monk or an artist, to be creative is that not a holy act"

"one of the greatest gifts: the gift of being blessed with the potential to do creative acts"

"other artist influence me as much as confirming my beliefs"

"Listening to everything and imagining it as a raw material, that’s what it all is about"

Genesis Breyer P-orridge
"I prefer to read john cages books than to listen to his music"

"A lot of the time with Andy Warhol, I prefer to look at his strategies than to stare at his pictures, he was a movement rather than a person"

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"Painting is reconstituting a skin, Painting is to figure out what it is like giving a skin first and so on"

"Wer isch der Malerei widmen will, muss sich zuerst die Zunge abschneiden lassen"

"Ich denke nicht das maler:innen nichts sagen sollten, denn sonst sind sie ja malende affen" Philip Guston
"the basic strategy for most people seems to be to find one thing that everyone says is good and then just keeping on doing it and they try and do it as long as they can, so that they can make as much money as possible"

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"When I have an idea, I run the idea and listen to them discussing in my head and taking it deeper and deeper"

"What happens if you actually say you are the piece of art instead of the painting"

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"Someone will always be there and express the message that’s necessary for us to evolve as a species. that’s what the writer and artist does"

"the artists job is to take risk"

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"you realize that its not yours. you might make it, you might make the message, you might write it or put it on canvas, and you have the right to sign it because of your participation. making it visible to everybody. But its not yours"

"You are are not supposed to do the same thing as you did last year. Whatever your job is, even if it is sweeping the streets, you should swap the streets different every year"

"What we’re doing as an artist...we re choosing to live our lives exposed"

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"Collaborating is to work against someone’s ideas. That allows to work in a free way. Like games it allows playfulness to get to something"

"I love copying"

"Play, entertainment, there certain reasons why it always appears again (example Picasso guitars)"

Brian Bellot
"Definitely I am a maximalist"

"I think I had it easier then a lot of people, I am privileged"

"to set a personal alphabet and take a stuck this symbols. Drawing as a mindset"

"I love colors, I am obsessed with colors"

Brian Bellot
"I found myself or my artistic personality by looking over my earliest works. They rarely deceive. There I found something that was always the same and which at first glance I thought it to be monotonous repetition. It was the mark of my personality which appeared the same no matter what different states of mind I happened to have passed through."

"Das wahre und wirkliche in der Kunst beginnt, wenn man nicht mehr begreift, was man tut und was man weiss, und dennoch eine Energie in sich spürt, die um so stärker wird, je mehr man ihr entgegenwirkt, sie verdichtet, sie im Zaume hält

Dann muss man sich der grössten Demut darbieten, ganz unschuldig, rein arglos, das Gehirn wie leer, in einem Geisteszustand, der dem eines Kommunikant*in auf dem weg zum Abendmahl gleicht

Natürlich muss man alles gesicherte hinter sich lassen und die frische des Instinkts wach gehalten haben."

"Das Glück aus sich selbst schöpfen, aus einem furchtbaren Arbeitstag, aus den Aufheiterungen, die er mit sich bringt und die Nebel um uns lichten. sich vergegenwärtigen, das alle, die es geschafft haben, überzeugt ausrufen: Das war eine gute Zeit, wenn sie sich der mühen ihren Anfängen erinnern.
Denn für die meisten bedeutet: am ziel sein = Gefängnis und Künstler*inn darf niemals gefangene*r sein.

Gefangene:r, eine Künstler*inn darf nie: Gefangene:r ihrer selbst sein, Gefangene*r ihrer Masche, Gefangene*r eines gewissen Rufes, Gefangene*r eines Erfolgs. usw.

Habend die Brüder Gongourt nicht geschrieben, dass die japanischen künstler*innen der klassischen Epoche mehrmals in ihrem leben den Namen gewechselt haben? Das gefällt mir: sie wollten ihre Freiheiten behalten."

Schritt für schritt drängte sich die Erkenntnis auf, das malen eine Art des Ausdruck ist und dass man dasselbe auf verschiedene weise ausdrücken kann.

Zeichnen heisst, eine Idee zu präzisieren. Zeichnen ist der Ausdruck des Gedankens. Durch die Zeichnung gehen Seele und Gefühl der Maler:in mühelos in den geist des Betrachters über. eine Arbeit ohne Zeichnung ist wie ein haus ohne Gebälk"

"I am trying to get courage to start this painting, the funny thing is, I know whatever I am going to paint on there, I am going to paint over"
Tracey Emin
"I don't have to appeal to all people, it’s enough if a appeal to one ore two"
Leigh Bowery
"when you consider any issue, look for the vested interest; who does it serve?"
William S. Burroughs
"I think one of the great tragedies of the 20th century was when artist began to collude qualification."

"I often find myself doing the same thing, but slightly differently - like most artists do. It doesn’t interest me, it doesn’t get me excited. I get excited by something I didn’t knew before."

"If we think that makes sense and looks exciting, we assume other people will too."

"The question that obsesses me the all time, is whether human beings are capable of actually changing their behavior."

"We said that art is everywhere - all the time. Its just putting things together in unexpected ways and having a surprise."

"So it has always been about the way the artist lives life, the way the creative person lives it. That is far more significant than what they leave behind in terms of objects."

"There is nothing worse than when they come and say, "we're interested in doing an exhibition, prove us that it's worth doing a exhibition". You shouldn’t have to; you should be there because they've already decided."

"Well, you have to stop being narcissistic and you have to stop wanting a career; you have to stop wanting to get rich; and you have to start sharing everything, fucker, or you wont be able to do it. You have to improvise, and it has to be relevant now. You have to look at what’s going on now; and then debate what’s wrong with it; and is there a way to rearrange what you've got, to get closer what you'd like to happen?"

"We like deadlines. deadlines are really helpful for me, but we've never been able to stop making and doing things. Its a biological activity for me."

"look at what people are expecting from you and do the opposite."

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
"I like to throw a stone far ahead of me so I can try to follow his tracks."
Thomas Hirschhorn
"In Gefahr und Not bringt der Mittelweg den sicheren Tod!"
Alexander Kluge
"I am the artist when I am open. When I am closed I am Brion Gysin"
Brion Gysin
"Poets dont own words"
Brion Gysin
"Writing is seeing how close you can come to make it happen, thats the object of all art"

"I think the most important thing is, that the artists should take over this planet because they are the only ones who can make anything happen"

"The revolution will come from ignoring the others' act of existence"

William S. Burroughs

"Its something between the two, I dont exatly lie, I change my mind all the time. You canst stand still for your entire life."

"Songwriting as an art is a bit archaic. Just writing a song isnt good enough. A song has to take on character, shape body and influence people to an extent that they use it for their own devices".

David Bowie
"I wear what I wear because I dont like clothes and this is what I feel most conftable"

"I wrote a lot of sexual songs back then, but they where mainly things I wanted to go on, not things that were going on".

"It dosent seem like me, when I hear myself in the radio, it seems like someone else is singing".

"My goal is to excite and provoke on every level"

"Artists have the ability to change lives with a single performance"
"We see things a certain way from a young age - we're programmed to keep doing them that way. Then you have to spend adulthood learning how to overcome it, to read out the programms"
" I think change constantly, things that made sense to me and things I liked then, I dont like anymore"
"transcendence. Thats what you want. When that happens-Oh boy"
"Mit dem malen ist es, wie wenn man von Hand eine Matratze stopft" Franz Kline
"Ein Gemälde ist Kopfsache" Leonardo da Vinci
"Still bleiben. Nicht bewegen. Den Raum nicht verlassen. Die Welt wird von alleine auf dich zurollen, an deinen Stuhl, zu deinen Füssen" Franz Kafka
"The personal is political"

"A medium is any space you create for thinking and what you basicly do is to build a new language"

"you dont have to be good at something, you have to be passionate about something. I do everything by own and if I dont know how to do something, I just do it bad and trust in it"

Amy Sillman
"I want to sing of the body changed"
Ovid Metamorpheses
"You know whatcreating really is? To have the capacity to be embarrassed."

Franz Klinke
"Art is taking the form of a sign; its no longer reduced to a decorative role"

"If something isn't a echo of yourself, then you do not even look at it"

"My pleasure is chatting with artist, rather than going to see what they do. The artists attitude counts more than what they do. The individual, man as a man, man as a brain, interests me more than what he makes, because i've noticed that most artists only repeat themself"

Marcel Duchamp
"celui qui s'adonner à un art par plaisir, p.pres. de dilettare, délecter" Petit Robert
"Was ist kunst? Das zu machen, was man nicht sein lassen kann"
"Da wo der Stachel schmerzt, sich Träume spinnen" Hölderlin
For beyond the difficulty of communication, there is the supreme difficulty of being oneself." virginia wolf
Making bad work is still making work.”
sands murray wassink
For yourself, not for fame, not for money, you have to keep chopping.
To write is to fail. an idea is a peferct thing. it comes to the writer in a breathless dream. the writer holds this idea in their mind in their body; everything feeds it.

kae tempest
Finishing work is what gives the artist the humility to begin again
kae tempest
I did not say what I should have. I submitted fog and chaos to a destillation.
Czeslaw Milosz
He is not really making the music, it is making him - if he realxes, open and atuned, then the invisible will take posession of him; through him, it will reach us.
Peter Brook
When you're in the studio painting, there are a lot of people in there with you--your teachers, friends, painters from history, critics. . . and one by one, if you keep painting, they walk out. And then if you're REALLY painting, YOU walk out. Philip Guston
Art is a dialogue, with other artists from the past present and future.
Art is also about the essence of life "Living Installation" that exists without being specifically set up. Art is composed of moments of life and as such is a relfection of death as well.
art should in my opinion also be meaningful and useful somehow, adding where something is lacking. Its like a big quilt, we are all working on and art is pnly a part of the quilt, there are many paralell positions to the working artist.
sands murray wassink
There's a kind of moralic prestige that an artist has, like a priest in a sense. In our time art has been called a religion, the museum of art has been called a cathedral, the school of art a church, the artist a priest, monk, sorcerer, ritualist, and the studio has been called a sanctuary
ad reinhardt
T.Hess: all art is abstract
P.Picasso: there is no abstract art
ad reinhardt: therfore there is no art
Art is my survival weapon. It has allowed me to transcend the persumptions of my destiny.
Lynn Hershmann
We started doing perfomance because it was easier to get access to personal subject matter through performance
Judy Chicago
Self-Knowledge always requires conversation....I think its generally true in life that to be seen by others is a very important part of knowing oneself
Martha Nussbaum
"Sadness as inspiration"
"I am for an art that directly addresses life, which has faith in it’s power. I am for an art about sharing, sharing of lived experience, a sharing of how it feels. I am for an art of consumption and digestion and excretion."
"I am more important as a living breathing human body than my art work physical objects."
sands murray wassink
Alle sexualität muss in Beziehung zur weiblichen sexualität gesetzt werden, die primäre quelle
carolee schneemann
My bird wears art history on her ass
Hannah Wilke
We will wander, improvise, fall short, and move in circles. We will lose our way, our cars, our agenda, and possibly our minds, but in losing we will find another way of making meaning in which, to return to the battered VW van of Little Miss Sunshine, no one gets left behind.”
udith (Jack) Halberstam
’An artist who cannot speak English is no artist’
Mladen Stilinović
I Work with the idea of deconstruction and construction; dematerialization and symbolic refernces...to the political, sociological, environmental situation and I try through art and self-performance to help to achieve CHANGE for values of humane and and spiritual conditions.
Lil Picard
When I am alone in the solitude of my study or studio, I am completely out of the closet: I move back and forth easily among art, philosophy, and yoga (my third hat). It’s the only time I feel completely free to be who I am. So I will go to almost any lengths to protect my privacy. If I lose that, I lose everything.
Adrian Piper
Go back to the body, which is where all the splits in western culture occure.
carolee schneemann
You belong in the most secret part of you. Don’t worry about cool, make your own uncool.
Sol LeWitt
Kathy acker in preface:
"I Question the work, you are're about to read"
without dreams, our desires, especially sexually desires, we will die.
Williams burroughs
Language is always fiction and true.

Culture is one way by which a community attempts to bring its past up out of senslessness and to find in dream and immagination possibilities for action.

language always occures in the present, because it is the present, its active.

To write is to write to another. Not for another, as if one could take away that other's otherness, but to another

We need to remember friends, that we write deeply out of friendship, that we write to friends.
Think, for a moment, with how much more energy one does something for a lover or for a close friend than when one acts only in the service of oneself.

kathy acker
even in public they [thoseamongus] tended to address only their friends
and to speak to those unknown, scattered readers and listeners with
whom every one who speaks and writes at all cannot help feeling joined in some rather obscure brotherhood."
"I am afraid that in their efforts,
they felt very little responsibility toward the world; these efforts were, rather, guided by their hope of preserving some minimum of humanity in a world grown in human while at the same time as far as possible resisting
the weird irrealityof this worldlessness- each after his own fashion and some few by seeking to the limits of their ability to understand even in humanity and the intellectual and political monstrosities of a time out of

"The ancients, thought friends in dispens- able to human life, indeed that a life withou tfriends was not really worth living.

"Powerarises," Arendt writes, "only where people act together,not where people grow stronger as individuals."

Hannah Arendt
That was her kind of politics and her kind of love: Start with your own struggle, look to the surrounding world to figure out your community, workout your relational lifelines by means of what you love, maintain an attitude of remembrance but noncompliance.

Amy Sillman on luise fishman
Don’t stop looking at El Greco because he’s not Jewish, or Chardin because he’s not an abstract painter, or Matisse because he’s not a lesbian. By all means look at Agnes Martin and Georgia O’Keeffe and Eva Hesse. But don’t forget Cézanne, Manet, and Giotto. If good paintingis what you want to do, then good painting is what you must look at. Take what you want and leave the dreck.
luise fishman
Diversity, the quantifiable totality of every possible difference, is the motor driving universal energy.
eduardo clissant
‘Remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as you dismantle the ones you cannot live within.’

– Ruha Benjamin
Every story runs into the same river and the same river runs into the same sea.

jackie kay
"Ain't nobody perfect 'Cause ain't nobody free"
from "Blues for Mama"
letter from Georges Battaille to Alexandre Kojeve, December 1937 „I grant (as a Likely supposition), that from now on history is ended (except for this denouement). However, I picture things differently (… it certainly doesn’t seem impossible that, in some very distant time, everything will begin again.)“
I hoped to reach a point in speaking where when it was time to say «body» I could go silent instead. I’d pause and everyone in the room would sound the word within themselves. I’d go, «Every time you put a hole in the ______,» and demur. Lower my head like forty-watt bulb, look solemn. Or would say, «We all carry something in our ______» (it could also be plural), and the collective internal silent hum would overwhelm my senses. This would be real communication: something you started in your ______ would finish in mine. Aus: Renee Gladman, Calamities
“I want to wander through your letters” and “I see the grid approaching,” Renee Gladman
A lot of things we do, we do because we are in a state of high or because we are in a state of repression or because we are in a state that is not our usual state.
Louise Bourgeois
“It’s Calderón de la Barca’s maxim reversed: it’s not a matter of thinking that life is a dream, but rather of realizing that dreams are also a form of life.” Paul B. Preciado
„I grant (as a Likely supposition), that from now on history is ended (except for this denouement). However, I picture things differently (… it certainly doesn’t seem impossible that, in some very distant time, everything will begin again.)“
letter from Georges Battaille to Alexandre Kojeve, December 1937 
„The most anti-capitalist protest is to care for another and to care for yourself. To take on the historically feminized and therefore invisible practice of nursing, nurturing, caring. To take seriously each other’s vulnerability and fragility and precarity, and to support it, honor it, empower it. To protect each other, to enact and practice community. A radical kinship, an interdependent sociality, a politics of care.“ From Sick woman theory, Hadva page 13.
Several stories unfold, in a quincunx, alternatively, or in a spiral, as Barthes would say—always around the same points, but not at the same level. (Kathy Acker?)
“Words are events, they do things, change things. They transform both speaker and hearer; they feed energy back and forth and amplify it. They feed understanding or emotion back and forth and amplify it.” Ursula K. Le Guin
"We're all born naked and the rest is drag" RUPaul
"Ich bin verwurzelt, aber ich fliesse." Virginia Woolf
"Die Wunde is das Land der Heilung"

Tabita Rezaire
"Und das Schreiben ist in der westlichen Kultur, seit Odysseus, immer der Versuch, ein Zuhause zu finden, das es Vielleicht schon nicht mehr gibt, das es vielleicht erst noch zu erzählen gilt"

Kim de l'Horizon
Wir sind alle zutiefst verletzt worden. Wir benötigen Regeneration, nicht Wiedergeburt, und die Möglichkeiten unserer Rekonstruktion schliessen den utopischen Traum, die Hoffnung auf einer monströsen Welt ohne Gender, ein." Donna Haraway
"Wir sind alle bloss Mutationen, und ich denke, dass jede einzelne Mutation gefeiert gehört." Arca
"Ein Zauberspruch ist die Geschichte, die wir uns selbst erzählen und die unsere emotionale und psychische Welt prägt. Der Gegenzauber ist einfach: Erzähl eine andere Geschichte. Und wenn wir unsere eigenen Geschichten mit gnügend Intensität und Fokus erzählen, so werden wir anfangen, sie zu glauben, und andere werden es auch. Wir werden den Bann brechen, der uns fesselt."

"Denn die menschliche Psyche ist ein Spiegel der Kultur. Die Beziehungen, die wir kennen, und die Institutionen unserer Kultur beruhen auf Macht-über-andere. Unsere inneren Landschaften sind also die Geschichten der Entfremdung, und sie sind bevölkert von Kreaturen, die dominieren oder dominiert werden.
Aber die Macht-von-innen ist die Macht der Tiefe, der Dunkelheit, der Erde; die Macht, die aus unserem Blut, unserem Leben und unserem leidenaschaftlichen Verlangen nach dem lebendigen Fleisch des anderen entspringt."

"Die Hinwendung zu den Archiven ist keine Hinwendung zur Vergangenheit, sondern vielmehr ein Versuch, wieder handlungsfähig zu werden in einer Zeit, in der die Fähigkeit, sich kollektiv andere Formen des Seins in der Welt vozustellen, zutiefts erodiert ist." Kate Ecihhorn
wir haben alles andere kennengelernt, nur uns selbst nicht. Und wenn wir die weisheit der hexen wieder erlernen wollen, dann dürfen wir tatsächlich uns selbst erforschen. in uns ist alles wissen. es ist wircklich in uns. wir haben 3 millionen jahre altes wissen in unserem Körper. ja, 3 millionen! "Doris Stauffer"
"If it’s possible to say that in the queer and trans culture we fuck better and more, this is, on the one hand, because we have removed sexuality from the domain of reproduction, and above all because we have freed ourselves from gender domination. I’m not saying that the queer and trans-feminist culture avoids all forms of violence. There is no sexuality without a shadowy side. But the shadowy side (inequality and violence) does not have to predominate and predetermine all sexuality.

Representatives, women and men, of the old sexual regime, come to grips with your shadowy side and have fun with it, and let us bury our dead. Enjoy your aesthetics of domination, but don’t try to turn your style into a law. And let us fuck with our own politics of desire, without men and without women, without penises and without vaginas, without hatchets, and without guns." Paul b. Preciado
"Love hurts. " Nazareth
Jesse Darling is an artist and intermittedpoet who (at the time of writing) is both living and working.
"Exposing the truth is like nudity"

Hannah Wilke